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Blue Ocean Gear

980 S Amphlett Blvd, San Mateo, CA 94402, USA

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Ghost gear, Conservation technology, Technology in marine conservation


Blue Ocean Gear designs and engineers Smart Buoy technologies that enable near real-time tracking and monitoring of fixed fishing and aquaculture gear, including offshore lines, traps and nets, thus providing a solution in preventing the significant problem of ghost gear. These buoys alert when gear has moved outside intended fishing areas, allowing for quick retrieval. In addition to tracking the location of fishing gear, the buoys collect a variety of oceanographic data. The company is supported by Conservation International Ventures.

Diving at Raja Ampat on a reef with yellow fish  by Benny Frick


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Scubavox is a non-profit initiative with a focus on marine conservation organizations worldwide. The website includes a global database of marine conservation bodies and groups involved in the protection of the marine environment, and a blog and features on  conservation-related and scuba diving themes. 

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