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Image by Ty Feague

Sharks & Rays

Sharks and Rays research and protection

Ailerons Association


The AILERONS team’s focus is on the study of the biology and ecology of sharks and rays in order to contribute to their conservation in the Mediterranean region. They also work at raising the awareness of the general public about current conservation issues in the Mediterranean

Associação Portuguesa para o Estudo e Conservação de Elasmobrânquios


APECE was founded with the aim of promoting the conservation and the study of sharks and rays (elasmobranchs) in Portugal. Their activities include: Lobbying for sustainable fisheries policies; Support for research and scientific projects that promote understanding of the effects that pollution has on sharks and rays; Implementing programmes and activities that promote public education and awareness of sharks and rays and conservation efforts on behalf of marine life.

Atlantic White Shark Conservancy


The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy is committed to raising public awareness of white sharks. The Conservancy supports scientific research, improves public safety, and educates the community, to inspire conservation of Atlantic white sharks.

Barefoot Conservation

Bali, Indonesia

Barefoot Conservation is a not-for-profit organisation that runs marine conservation and community based volunteer projects in Indonesia. Their focus is on grass roots conservation and community action, with the aim of engaging, educating and empowering the local community 'to make sustainable conservation a way of life, not just a project'. Their programme includes coral reef monitoring, Manta Ray research, and the elimination of Crown of Thorns starfish which are destroying coral reefs. Their main project is on the island of Arborek in Raja Ampat Regency, in the West Papua province of Indonesia.

Beneath the Waves


Beneath the Waves is a global NGO working on several initiatives, including the establishment of Marine Protected Areas (mainly Caribbean islands), conservation of sharks and the habitats they occupy, deep sea research, and Blue Carbon ecosystems. They work in many locations and oceans, including the Caribbean, the North Atlantic, and the Pacific.

Bimini Biological Field Station


Shark Lab is a world-renowned facility located in Bimini, Bahamas. The Shark Lab was established in 1990 by Prof. Samuel H. Gruber and is recognized as a US non-profit and Bahamian Charitable Organization. The station conducts dynamic and innovative field research on sharks and their relatives in the pristine waters of Bimini, Bahamas. The station offers multiple opportunities for individuals to get involved such as, volunteering, Research Experience Programs, and more.

Bite-Back Shark and Marine Conservation


Bite-Back is the UK's only organisation dedicated to the protection of sharks by reducing consumer demand for its meat and fins. With the law of supply and demand at its cornerstone, Bite-Back works together with restaurants, fishmongers and retailers to remove shark products from menus and fish counters, effectively lowering the trade in this threatened species.

Blue Resources Trust

Sri Lanka

Blue Resources Trust is a marine research and consultancy organisation based in Sri Lanka that aims to promote informed science based decision making to facilitate the sustainable use of marine resources. Their past and current research has focused on coral reefs, fisheries, sustainable livelihoods, marine protected areas, and the development of domestic and international marine policy. They consult in a wide range of marine related fields including field surveys, EIAs, technical advice, and project management. In addition, they facilitate underwater photographers and film crews.

CREMA Rescue Center for Endangered Marine Species

Costa Rica

Based in Costa Rica, CREMA is marine preservation organization which plays a role in the country's international shark fin trade. The group also does research so that they can protect ocean resources as well as persuade the country (and all Central America) to carry out sustainable fishing policies.

Caribbean Islands Manta Conservation Program


The Manta Caribbean Project takes a multidisciplinary approach to the conservation of manta and mobulid rays, and their habitat in the Caribbean Sea. They work on the conservation of these gentle creatures via science and research, and by raising awareness and providing education to the community and stakeholders. Karen Fuentes' message to divers is to look up from time to time, as you never know who might be passing by.

Caribbean Shark Coalition


The Caribbean Shark Coalition is a coalition of over 40 organizations from nearly 30 countries working to advance the study and conservation of sharks and rays found in the Greater Caribbean region. Founded by the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance and Beneath the Waves in 2020, CSC members represent a collection of experts from NGOs, local communities, intergovernmental organizations and governments, academia, and policy institutes, and local businesses, working together to advance the study and conservation of sharks and rays found in the waters of the Greater Caribbean. The CSC will provide cross-disciplinary training, region-wide assessments, and will issue grants to CSC-member projects.

Costa Rica Wildlife Foundation

Costa Rica

CRWF works to ensure the prevalence of wildlife and its habitat through interdisciplinary and community-based stable conservation initiatives. This includes research, education, communication, and marketing, all aimed to produce conservation action to reduce the threats that wildlife is facing. In addition to the many terrestrial based projects, their marine projects include SEACOW which is directed towards the West Indian manatee in the Costa Rican Caribbean and PEZ SIERRA which focuses on the critically endangered sawfish found in the region.

Diving at Raja Ampat on a reef with yellow fish  by Benny Frick


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Scubavox is a non-profit initiative with a focus on scuba diving and on marine conservation worldwide. The website includes a global database of marine conservation organizations and groups involved in the protection of the marine environment, and a blog on scuba diving and conservation-related themes. 

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