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Marine Research

Marine and Oceans research - Marine research institutes - Marine research programmes - Ocean conservation - Ocean acidification - Ocean monitoring - GIS - Bioaccoustics

California Ocean Alliance


Based in Monterey Bay, California, COA conducts marine research to drive conservation, with the additional aim to educate on marine and conservation issues. In one such project, COA marine biologists travel to Antarctica to conduct cutting-edge research on whale populations and behaviour. By combining research with conservation and education, they are contributing to the understanding and protection of marine mammals worldwide, and ensuring that their populations persevere and thrive into the future.

Cape Eleuthera Institute


The Cape Eleuthera Institute (CEI) is a dedicated center for research and innovation at The Island School in South Eleuthera, The Bahamas. CEI promotes ‘the conservation of the tropical marine and coastal ecosystems by facilitating the research of resident and visiting scientists, supporting the education of students at all levels, and spurring outreach efforts to enhance the environmental awareness of local and global communities.’ Students of all ages gain experience regarding conservation, sustainability, and local ecosystems. They collaborate with world-class scientists, doing substantive research, eg. tagging nurse sharks, sea turtle research, all aimed at a better understanding of the environment and how to protect it.


South Africa

Cape RADD is a marine field station that serves as a platform for researchers in the Cape Town and False Bay area of South Africa. They facilitate SCUBA and freediving training courses for individuals who want to learn more about the marine environment, conservation and research through hands on field experience and diver development. Their courses include training in multiple data collection and field operation techniques, and theoretical workshops and presentations from field biologists and dive experts. They also run a volunteer programme focusing of citizen science research, community awareness, conservation projects and educational outreach.

Caribbean Cetacean Society

Martinique, Guadeloupe

CCS's mission is to improve cetacean conservation within the Wider Caribbean Region and beyond. Created by two marine biologists from Guadeloupe and Martinique islands in 2020, and based in Martinique, the group aims to work at the Caribbean scale, to improve cetaceans conservation through international cooperation, via networking and practical research. Their initial "Ti Whale An Nou" project 'aims at determining population estimates, distributions, movement patterns, social structure and vocal clans of the Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in the Lesser Antilles. This project also allow to improve knowledge on the diversity, distribution and relative densities of the other cetacean species in the region.'

Carmabi Foundation


CARMABI was established in 1955 as a marine research institute. Now the organization has 4 pillars on which it works: Marine and Terrestrial Research, Park Management, Nature and Environment Education and Consultancy. The research facilities host different researchers from all over the world to study the island's reefs. Park Management manages several national parks on Curacao: The Christoffel National Park; the largest national park of the island, an important Sea Turtle nesting area: Shete Boka National Park; The Curacao Marine Park, where they protect the reef and conduct scientific marine research, and shortly to be added is The Curacao Rif Mangrove Park.

Center for Cetacean Research and Conservation

Cook Islands

CCRC was founded to conserve cetaceans and the ecosystems they inhabit. Their mission is to conduct benign research on the biology of cetaceans, to raise awareness of marine conservation issues, especially those concerning cetaceans, by: Providing curriculum enrichment and community outreach programs, Publishing scientific findings in both professional and popular formats through various media, Offering practical experiences for interns and volunteers, Producing educational films for television, and finally to collaborate with and facilitate organizations and individuals of complementary purpose. Closely associated Cook Islands Whale Research, they also have an office in Maine in the US.

Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation


CMBC works to assess the state of marine ecosystems now and in the past and develop predictive models for the future; train new marine biodiversity and conservation scientists; develop novel interdisciplinary approaches linking the biological, physical, social and informatic sciences; increase public understanding of scientific issues and provide sound scientific analyses to policy makers; design technically sophisticated, regionally appropriate strategies to prevent and reverse biodiversity collapse.

Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CEMACS)


CEMACS was established in August 1991 to undertake research and post-graduate training in Marine Science and Coastal Ecosystems. It provides the institutional mechanism for mobilising and integrating the Universiti Sains Malaysia’s considerable expertise and resources in marine science. The main objective of CEMACS is to enhance the capability of conducting integrated inter-and multi-disciplinary studies leading towards solving problems related to marine and coastal ecosystems. Located at Teluk Aling the northwest coast of Penang Island in the Penang National Park, research and training conducted at the centre is focused on biodiversity and conservation of marine ecosystems, coastal forest ecosystems, mariculture and marine mammal ecology (dugong and dolphin).

Centro Ricerca Cetacei


The principal objective of Centro Ricerca Cetacei is the safeguarding of Mediterranean cetaceans with scientific research projects carried out with strictly non-invasive methods, mainly using eco-compatible sailing boats.

Centro Studi Cetacei


The CSC was established in 1985 as a research group belonging to the Italian Society of Natural Sciences based at the Natural History Museum of Milan. One of the most important aims was to bring together all the Italian researchers and Institutions concerned with cetaceans, encouraging cooperation and studies in this field, and today has a sizable membership. The main project carried out by CSC is a national stranding network that collects data and samples from Cetaceans found stranded or beached along the Italian coasts. Amongst other work, the CSC intervenes in cases where sea turtles and cetaceans become entangled in fishing nets or beach, whether they are alive or dead. The "Luigi Cagnolaro" Recovery and Rehabilitation Center in Pescara is managed by the staff of the CSC and assists all mammals that require assistance and care, before releasing them into the sea, tagged for study

Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR)

Costa Rica

CIMAR is a research center attached to the University of Costa Rica, which carries out scientific research to contribute to the knowledge of aquatic environments. Provides public and private institutions repetitive technical services, training and other specialized services.

Chelonia Limited


Chelonia specialised in wildlife acoustic monitoring. Since 2006, Chelonia PODs have revolutionised the way cetaceans are studied in the wild. Using fully automated passive acoustic monitoring instruments, it is possible to detect porpoises, dolphins and other toothed whales (except sperm whales) by recognising the trains of echo-location sounds they produce to detect their prey, orientate and interact.

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