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SeaDataNet is an international project of oceanography, with the main goal of enabling the scientific community to access historical datasets owned by national data centers. SDN provides a distributed Marine Data Infrastructure for the management of large and diverse sets of data deriving from in situ of the seas and oceans. The project is pan-European, and the access is to multidisciplinary ocean and marine data, data products and metadata services. Their website includes the European Directory of Marine Organisations EDMO
SeaLifeBase is a searchable online information system which follows the highly successful FishBase model, providing key biological traits for all non-fish marine organisms. Data statistics (current): 83400 Species, 59100 Common names, 14800 Pictures, 38500 References, 330 Collaborators, 235000 Visits/Month. Check out their video (What is SeaLifeBase and How It Came to Be):, and the SeaLifeBase Blog: The SeaLifeBase Project is a joint initiative of the Sea Around Us Project (Fisheries Centre, UBC, Vancouver, Canada) and the FishBase Consortium. SeaLifeBase and FishBase have the same set of consortium members and are both hosted by Quantitative Aquatics, Inc. (Q-quatics).
Seagrass-Watch raises awareness on the condition and trend of seagrass ecosystems. The Seagrass-Watch program has a simple philosophy of involving those who are concerned, and involves collaboration/partnerships between scientists, community and the data users. Seagrass-Watch global seagrass observing network accurately monitors the status and trends in seagrass condition. The network has conducted over 5700 assessments at 408 sites across 21 countries, involving thousands of dedicated participants.
Sealcentre Pieterburen
Seal Rehabilitation and Research Centre at Pieterburen is a scientific research-based seal hospital, with modern facilities including a quarantine area, a laboratory, and professional staff. Hundreds of seals are cared for annually, including seals injured by boats or fishing nets, and those ill from pollution, or orphaned. All rehabilitated seals are released into the wild. The centre also conducts scientific research into wild seals, in order to gain insight into their behaviour, the state of their ecosystem, and how their problems can be prevented.
USA is dedicated to providing online resources and solutions in support of sea turtle conservation and research, with the aim of organizing the world's sea turtle information and make it universally accessible and useful. Their Satellite Tracking Project provides real-time public access to the project with live maps of the turtles, tracks provided online. They have over 100,000 visits to their satellite tracking pages at each month with the public interest in the migratory patterns of turtles. The website includes a database of the thousands of organisations and individuals involved in turtle research and conservation around the world
Shark Research Institute
Shark Research Institute is a multi-disciplinary non-profit scientific research organization that sponsors and conducts research on sharks and promotes shark conservation. Whaleshark research is a large part of SRI and the public is invited to participate in SRI expeditions. SRI also maintains a database of shark attacks, and provides consultants to areas where attacks are clustered to determine the causes and to recommend environmentally sound solutions. Founded in 1991 at Princeton, New Jersey, USA, today SRI has field offices in Florida, Pennsylvania and Texas, and internationally in Australia, Canada, Ecuador, Honduras, India, Mexico, Mozambique, Seychelles, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
Current projects include visual and satellite tracking, behavioural and DNA studies, environmental advocacy, publication of scientific works and public education. SRI also continue to fight for shark protections at CITES, the primary international venue for conservation treaties.
Sharklife Conservation Group
South Africa
Sharklife addresses the alarming exploitation of both shark populations and ocean fisheries in South African waters, actively engaging in research and protection of many marine species. In their words, 'Research and education are the main tools we use to drive marine conservation objectives'
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama aims to increase understanding of the past, present and future of tropical biodiversity and its relevance to human welfare. More than 1,400 scientists from around the world every year collaborate on hundreds of projects at remote field sites and in their laboratories in Panama City. In addition to the research, they have a strong outreach programmes at several sites in Panama, educating visitors on marine and coastal ecosystems, marine life, mangroves, and fisheries and marine conservation, amongst others. In terms of resources, they maintain several databases on their website which record the biodiversity of the area.
South Africa Shark Conservancy
South Africa
Working together with government, industry and the non-profit sectors, SASC aims at developing a responsible co-management approach to the exploitation of elasmobranchs and other living marine resources. Their research facility, based in Hermanus, South Africa, is dedicated to conducting research on the biology and life-history of sharks, marine ecology and fishery interactions
South African Association for Marine Biological Research
South Africa
The South African Association for Marine Biological Research stimulates community awareness of the marine environment through education and promotes wise, sustainable use of marine resources through scientific investigation. SAAMBR fulfils this mission by operating the following three divisions: The Oceanographic Research Institute (ORI), uShaka Sea World, and uShaka Sea World Education Centre
South African Insitute for Aquatic Biodiversity
South Africa
SAIAB serves as a major scientific resource for knowledge and understanding the biodiversity and functioning of globally significant aquatic ecosystems. SAIAB’s science focuses on the full spectrum of aquatic environments: from marine offshore to continental freshwater catchments. Research covers ecology and conservation biology that links biodiversity at molecular and organism levels with the environment and genetic and species diversity.
South African Whale Disentanglement Network
South Africa
The South African Whale Disentanglement Network (SAWDN) is a non-profit organization, collaborating with local and international organizations to reduce the suffering of entangled cetaceans, by releasing entrapped cetaceans in active fishing gear (including abandoned, lost or discarded gear). SAWDN provides a dedicated rescue action plan to assist entangled whales, prevent injuries and reduce mortalities to whales by removing gear as safely as possible. At the same time they collect data for international and national reporting of statistics to the International Whaling Commission and scientific purposes. SAWDN is also committed to working with the fishing industry to reduce entanglements. The network consists of multiple organizations in South Africa, including NSRI, SA National Parks, Mammal Research Institute, CapeNature, amongst many others. Telephone: 0726619516