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Palau is known for a high level of biodiversity that includes more than 1400 species of fish, 500 species of corals and a large pelagic presence
Blue Corner
This site comprises a roughly triangular shaped outcrop in about 11 to 18 meters (36 to 59 feet) of water that drops down to some 45-70 meters (148-230 feet). Currents here are fairly strong and provide rich feeding for soft corals and fans on the outer deeper point. The main attractions here are sharks and big schools of barracudas.
Blue Holes
Beyond Blue Corner there are four vertical shafts descending into a series of vast caverns that are open to the sea, aptly named Blue Holes. The caverns drop to 35 meters (120 feet). The walls of the caverns are teeming with sponges, corals, and reef fish. Huge black corals hang from the caverns’ roofs. At one point there is an opening, like a window, that leads outside the hole to the wall and Blue Corner. Under the right conditions, the sun shines through the window and penetrates the cavern at 34 meters (110 feet) with a beam of brilliant sunlight.
Jellyfish Lake
It is estimated that this lake is about 12 000 years old. It is home to an enormous school of mastigias jelly fish. It is estimated that there are over two million of them living in the lake’s waters. Because they have no predators in the lake the jellyfish have lost their stinging tentacles, not being in need of any defense mechanism. Swimming amid this clear jelly soup is an unique experience not to be missed.
Ngemelis Wall
This is a horseshoe shaped groove in the otherwise straight Palau outer barrier reef. The shallow sand interior of the groove forms a man-made waterway known as the German Channel that was created more than 100 years ago to serve as a shipping lane between mines and the shipping port. The Wall is about 400 meters (0.25 mile) long and absolutely straight. From the surface the wall descends vertically to 60 meters (200 feet) before levelling off to form the floor. The wall is covered with gorgonian fans, sponges and sea whips. Sharks, manta rays, and other pelagics occasionally cruise through the channel.