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Image by Francesco Ungaro

Protection of Marine Environments and Marine Life

Multi-disciplinary marine conservation organizations and groups involved in the protection of marine environments and marine life

 Marine protected areas - Marine animal conservation and rehabilitation - Protection of endangered species - Conservation of marine and coastal diversity - Protection of coastline -

Protection of marine life - Lionfish eradication

For specific species, such as Turtles, Cetaceans, or Corals, and for specialised areas, such as Marine Pollution or Marine Research, go to the specific categories on the Conservation base page.  



CostaSalvaje/Wildcoast is an international group that aims to conserve the coastal and marine ecosystems and wildlife around California and Latin America. They are fighting to conserve more than 31.9 million acres of globally significant wild coastlines, islands, lagoons, and oceans. Through educating local communities, advocating for conservation policies, and establishing and managing protected areas, Wildcoast is trying to reduce the impact of climate change, conserve coral reefs, prioritize sewage treatment, and protect wetlands and coastal wildlands.



DEEPWAVE e.V. was founded in 2003 by the marine biologist and deep sea researcher Onno Groß and a small group of ocean enthusiasts in Hamburg. Since then, it has successfully campaigned regionally and internationally for the protection of the oceans and their inhabitants. DEEPWAVE's goal is to contribute to the development of environmentally friendly structures for the marine ecosystem, as well as to inspire individuals to conserve the oceans. They do this by raising awareness of the threats to the oceans, spreading scientific knowledge, contributing to improve marine policies, and providing a forum for networking.

DMAD Marine Mammals Research Association

Turkey, Montenegro

DMAD 's stated goal is ‘to raise both scientific and public awareness, to identify and locate habitat problems and to implement the actions needed in order to conserve the marine biodiversity in the Eastern Mediterranean.’ DMAD mainly works scientifically on marine mammals. They currently have seven different projects running across three different countries, with the two main target areas being the Eastern Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea. They engage with public by supporting citizen science and ecological awareness, including volunteer programmes which involves joining their researchers and scientists along the Adriatic coasts of Montenegro and Albania or in the Levantine and Aegean Seas around Turkey. They are the founders of SANCET (Southern Adriatic Network of Cetacean, Elasmobranch and Turtle Standing). Montenegro Dolphin Research is also one of their projects.

Dakshin Foundation


Dakshin Foundation’s mission is to inform and advocate conservation and natural resource management, while promoting and supporting sustainable livelihoods, social development and environmental justice. Their work aims at building community capacities for conservation and the benefits thereof. The marine component of their work focuses on biodiversity and resource monitoring, including sustainable fishing and a marine flagships programme which includes sea turtles, sharks and rays, sea snakes and coral reefs, in each instance engaging the community in monitoring and conservation initiatives.

David Suzuki Foundation


The David Suzuki Foundation works with government, business and individuals to conserve our environment by providing science-based research, education and policy work, and acting as a catalyst for the change that today's situation demands. The foundation is dedicated to protecting the diversity of nature and inspiring Canadians to act with nature in mind. They advocate for better management and protection of coastal waters to help endangered species and restore biodiversity, sustainable fishing, and protection of marine life .

De Waddenvereniging


The Wadden Sea, Europe's largest intertidal wetland, is situated between the mainland of The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark and a string of islands. De Waddenvereniging (The Wadden Sea Society) was established in 1965, has more than 45,000 members, and aims to preserve the characteristic values of the Wadden area for future generations.

Defenders of Wildlife


Defenders of Wildlife is an environmental group with a marine campaign. They employ education, litigation, research, legislation and advocacy to defend wildlife and its habitat. In each program area, an interdisciplinary team of scientists, attorneys, wildlife specialists and educators works to promote multi-faceted solutions to wildlife problems. Note that Friends of the Sea Otter merged with Defenders of Wildlife in 2020.

Deutsche Stiftung Meeresschutz


The German Foundation for Marine Conservation is a group of committed animal welfare and nature conservation advocates, who fight for the protection of threatened marine animals and the preservation of marine habitats. They support and carry out projects, campaigns, and initiatives aimed at conserving marine life. This includes marine & nature conservation; animal welfare; science and research; and development cooperation. Since 2022 they have had a long term eDNA Project on Fiji-Island to identify habitats of guitarfish species and of young bullsharks. They support projects to protect sharks, rays, sea turtles and marine mammals, restoration of coral reefs and seagrass beds, for sustainable fishing and ocean cleanups. Their educational and awareness-raising work aims at anchoring the importance of marine conservation in people's minds and actions. LinkedIn address:

Dilmah Conservation

Sri Lanka

Dilmah Conservation was established with the stated purpose ' to extend the Dilmah philosophy of making business a matter of human service, to include the protection of and sustainable interaction with the environment'. To this end, they are involved in many areas of conservation, including a marine programme which focuses on conserving marine habitats (including 'carrying out species diversity assessments, information sharing and working with relevant local and national institutions to ensure conservation of these habitats') and conserving the endangered Dugong via an information dissemination campaign targeting school children and fisher communities in the North of the country, as well as carrying out surveys and information gathering.

Dolphin Project


Richard (Ric) O'Barry, who founded the Dolphin Project in 1982, worked both within the dolphin captivity industry, and against it. Ric O'Barry had trained five dolphins that were used in the TV series called Flipper; however, O'Barry changed from training to advocating against the captivity of dolphins after one of the Flipper dolphins died in his arms. O'Barry campaigns against Japan's cruel cetacean hunts and also for halting the Solomon Islands dolphin trade. He has also rescued and rehabilitated dolphins in many countries around the world.

Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance


DCNA's aim is to protect the natural environment and to promote sustainable management of natural resources on the six Dutch Caribbean islands. The organization was created to help consolidate knowledge and help bridge funding gaps for conservation within the Dutch Caribbean.

Dyer Island Conservation Trust

South Africa

The Dyer Island Conservation Trust works to conserve and research the fragile and critically important marine eco-system at the southern-most tip of Africa. They strive to protect the largest surviving colonies of the endangered African Penguin whose numbers are at an all-time low; the globally important breeding and calving grounds of the Southern Right Whale; and, the world's densest populations of the vulnerable Great White Shark.

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