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Image by Francesco Ungaro

Protection of Marine Environments and Marine Life

Multi-disciplinary marine conservation organizations and groups involved in the protection of marine environments and marine life

 Marine protected areas - Marine animal conservation and rehabilitation - Protection of endangered species - Conservation of marine and coastal diversity - Protection of coastline -

Protection of marine life - Lionfish eradication

For specific species, such as Turtles, Cetaceans, or Corals, and for specialised areas, such as Marine Pollution or Marine Research, go to the specific categories on the Conservation base page.  

Coastal Education and Research Foundation


CERF is a publisher with the stated goal is 'to help translate and interpret coastal issues for the public and to assist in the development of professional coastal research programs'. CERF-JCR disseminates the latest research information to professors, specialists, researchers, and the general public in an effort to maintain or improve the quality of our planet's coastal resources, via scientific papers, book and encyclopedia series, their monthly society newsletter (Just CERFing), and the internet.

Coastal Marine Research Station (ECIM)


ECIM is the marine research and teaching laboratory of the Pontificia Catholic University of Chile (PUC). It has an associated marine protected area. From their website: 'While coastal marine ecology, sustainable management and conservation are still the core research fields at the lab, there is now active inter-disciplinary research in microbiology, population genetics, biological and physical oceanography, coastal engineering, marine renewable energies and other fields of marine sciences.'

Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island


A group of experts in marine mammal science, environmental sciences, education and conservation, CRESLI was formed for the purposes of conducting research, providing educational experiences and promoting conservation of coastal ecosystems.

Coastal and Marine Resources Development - Africa


COMRED aims to promote sustainable development and wise use of coastal and marine resources. The organisation is mandated to carry out an array of activities including research, training, community capacity building, environmental awareness and advocacy and environmental conservation. COMRED works with the grassroots coastal communities of Kenya empowering them to seek local solutions to local problems.

Coastal and Marine Union (EUCC)


Coastal and Marine Union (Kustenzee) is a non-profit organization with a membership of around 500 institutions, NGOs and experts, in 40 countries. Its network at large involves about 2500 professionals involved in coastal and marine management issues

Coastwatch Europe


Coastwatch Europe (CWE) protects wetlands by raising public awareness of their value, and demonstrating practical ways to save them. CWE is an international network of environmental groups, universities and other educational institutions, who in turn work with local groups and individuals around the coast of Europe. Coastwatch Europe has participated at hundreds of events since the 1980’s, facilitates surveys of the coast, litter, seaweed, and advocates for Marine Protected Areas, amongst other actions.

Coastwatch Kwazulu-Natal

South Africa

Coastwatch KZN is an NGO which is actively involved in the protection and management of the Kwazulu-Natal coastline of South Africa, with the aim 'to become an effective coalition of concerned people working to achieve the long-term protection and sustainable management of natural resources of the coastal zone and offshore marine resources.' This includes working in collaboration with other NGOs in attempting to limit the volumes of land derived waste entering our oceans, protecting the integrity of estuaries from mining along with other developments. The majority of the membership has a scientific background and the organization has representation on all of the Local and District Authorities’ Coastal Working Groups,

Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources


The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources is an international treaty to manage Antarctic fisheries with the goal of preserving species diversity and stability of the entire Antarctic marine ecosystem. It was sent up in response to increasing commercial interest in Antarctic krill resources, a keystone component of the Antarctic ecosystem and a history of over-exploitation of several other marine resources in the Southern Ocean.

Community of Arran Seabed Trust


The Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST) is a community-led organisation that has a significant impact on the conservation and restoration of the seas around Arran and the Clyde for the past 25 years. COAST works to maintain a diverse, abundant and beautiful marine environment on Arran, including by campaigning for marine protection, restoration and sustainable management around Arran and in the Clyde and working with politicians, the Marine Conservation Society, Fauna and Flora International, Scottish Environment Link, Scottish Natural Heritage and many others. They work to influence Government, fishing and aquaculture industries to adopt non-destructive, sustainable fishing methods.

Conflict Island Conservation Initiative

Papua New Guinea

CICI’s goal is ‘to conserve, protect and enhance the natural environment and biodiversity of the habitats and species of the Coral Sea with a particular emphasis around the Conflict Islands Mission Blue Hope Spot in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea, a critical part of the world renowned Coral Triangle and an important Turtle nesting site.’ Amongst other programmes, sea turtle conservation is one focus area, with a hatchery and nursery established in 2016. A volunteer program, allowing university students and recent graduates to gain practical experience. The program involves a combination of turtle tagging and monitoring, turtle husbandry and data entry. They work closely with communities to provide education, training and improve the conservation of marine ecosystems and associated species.

Conservacion ConCiencia

Puerto Rico

Conservación ConCiencia is a non-profit organization in Puerto Rico dedicated to environmental research and conservation that aims to promote sustainable development by working collaboratively with communities, governments, academia and the private sector. Their mission is to implement effective, science based conservation actions that move our societies towards sustainability. Conservación ConCiencia focuses on projects in Puerto Rico and Cuba, including the following: Puerto Rico’s first shark research and conservation program in collaboration with the seafood industry; analyzing parrotfish supply chain and its market in Puerto Rico; promoting commercial fisheries exchange between Puerto Rico and Cuba with lessons learned from successful fisheries management and promoting Cuban fishers access to local markets for entrepreneurial opportunities. Another example of their work is a large scale restoration of mangroves and seagrass project, in collaboration with The Ocean Foundation.

Conservacion Internacional (Colombia)


The CI Colombia program began with the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS) initiative, created in 2005, with the aim of generating voluntary cooperation between Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador, to strengthen the management of marine protected areas of the territorial seas. This includes management and conservation areas for strategic species, and offering economic alternatives to local communities, to ensure the sustainability of marine-coastal resources and local communities. Coral reef rehabilitation and recovery of fish stocks are part of their programme.

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