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Image by Francesco Ungaro

Protection of Marine Environments and Marine Life

Multi-disciplinary marine conservation organizations and groups involved in the protection of marine environments and marine life

 Marine protected areas - Marine animal conservation and rehabilitation - Protection of endangered species - Conservation of marine and coastal diversity - Protection of coastline -

Protection of marine life - Lionfish eradication

For specific species, such as Turtles, Cetaceans, or Corals, and for specialised areas, such as Marine Pollution or Marine Research, go to the specific categories on the Conservation base page.  

Beneath the Waves


Beneath the Waves is a global NGO working on several initiatives, including the establishment of Marine Protected Areas (mainly Caribbean islands), conservation of sharks and the habitats they occupy, deep sea research, and Blue Carbon ecosystems. They work in many locations and oceans, including the Caribbean, the North Atlantic, and the Pacific.

Big Seaweed Search


The Big Seaweed Search first launched in 2009 under the auspices of the Marine Conservation Society and the Natural History Museum in the UK. Hundreds of people have taken part and the data gathered, alongside other research, show that the distribution of seaweeds around the UK is changing. The survey supports research on ‘three key environmental issues: rising sea temperature, the arrival and spread of non-native species of seaweeds, ocean acidification (the sea becoming more acidic because of absorbing carbon dioxide from the air.’ The website provides information about how to become involved in this citizen science project.

Billion Oyster Project


The mission of this initiative is to restore oyster reefs to New York Harbor through public education. More specifically, Billion Oyster Project aims to replant 1 billion oysters in the harbour by 2035, with the participation of a million New Yorkers. And they are well on their way. So far they have planted 28 million oysters, with the participation of 6,000-plus local students and 9,000-plus volunteers. Their grant will support a citywide symposium for local students to present their research on ecosystems, marine life and water quality in New York Harbor, and on opportunities to make restoration more effective and engage their communities more deeply.

Biological Conservation Research Foundation


BICREF’s mission is to ‘Promote Conservation Research, Monitoring and Action; Increase local awareness of the uses and needs of Biodiversity; Bring to the fore issues related to local habitat degradation and species vulnerability; Encourage public collaboration toward a better natural environment for our children and beyond; Assist in the management of natural environments for Conservation.
Prof. A. Vella founded The Biological Conservation Research Foundation (BICREF) in 1998 in order to allow [members of the public] to assist in different conservation research projects as members of a non-government and non-profit organisation. This NGO has grown to be reputed, as serious and professional in its work, independent in its operations with the exclusive aim of promoting the conservation of Maltese and Mediterranean wildlife and natural environment.’

Biosphere Expeditions

UK, Australia, Germany, France, Ireland, USA

With offices in Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, UK, USA, Biosphere Expeditions is an award-winning wildlife conservation volunteering organization. They organize volunteering opportunities around the world, including marine conservation eg. turtle conservation in Costa Rica, Whale dolphin and turtle conservation in the Azores, Portugal, coral reef conservation in Oman, to name a few.

Bloom Association

France, Hong Kong

BLOOM works to preserve the marine environment and species from unnecessary destruction and to increase social benefits in the fishing sector. In keeping with the mission to protect the oceans with concrete solutions, BLOOM conducts highly visible awareness and advocacy campaigns, informing the public, companies, institutions and leaders. Their research and evaluations highlight critical issues, such as the financing mechanisms of the fishing sector, destructive fishing methods such as electric pulse fishing. Their advocacy includes campaigning for protection of sharks and rays, and sustainable fishing. 

Blue Finance


Blue Finance is a UN-backed NGO tasked with improving the management of mPAs via investible initiatives. As a social enterprise managing a federation of Marine Protected Areas, on behalf of a number of governments, they co-manage Marine Protected Areas, thereby protecting marine ecosystems in the Caribbean, SE Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa and developing a Blue Economy for local communities in and around the parks. Blue finance also structures blended finance investment facilities for our projects. They are currently active in Belize, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Philippines and Zanzibar.

Blue Frontier Campaign


With a network of grassroots individual citizen activists, the Blue Frontier Campaign works towards the improvement of ocean policies in the 23 coastal states of the United States. According to Blue Frontier Campaign, the mission of the initiative is to construct the solution-oriented citizen engagement required to save our ocean, coasts and the communities. The initiative conducts regional meetings, public education campaigns and publishes books to achieve their goal. The campaign was founded by award-winning author and journalist David Helvarg in 2003. Blue Frontier works to support seaweed (marine grassroots) efforts at the local, regional and national level, with an emphasis on bottom up organizing to bring the voice of citizen-activists into national decision-making that will impact our public seas.

Blue Marine Foundation


The aim of Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE) is 'to combat over-fishing and the destruction of biodiversity – arguably the largest problem facing the world’s oceans – by delivering practical conservation solutions, including the creation of large-scale marine reserves.' This includes sustainable fisheries which will allow fish stocks to recover. Their reach includes the UK, St Helena, Maldives, Aeolian Islands, Ascension Islands, Caspian Sea, Namibia, Patagonia and Tristan da Cunha, amongst others, and includes seagrass revegetation, protection of kelp forests, aquaculture and the blue economy in a drive to protect marine life and the communities dependent on it.

Blue Prosperity Coalition


The Blue Prosperity Coalition is a coalition of partners engaging in a multi-year partnership with Governments to designate and implement 30% marine protection and establish a Blue Prosperity Plan. Government officials, ocean experts, and NGOs joined together to announce the creation of the Blue Prosperity Coalition, a network of global partners advancing sustainable oceans by balancing marine protection with economic development. Founding members of the Coalition include the Waitt Institute, National Geographic Pristine Seas, Oceans 5 and Dynamic Planet, as well as government partnerships with the Azores, Barbuda, Curaçao, and the Kingdom of Tonga.

Blue Resources Trust

Sri Lanka

Blue Resources Trust is a marine research and consultancy organisation based in Sri Lanka that aims to promote informed science based decision making to facilitate the sustainable use of marine resources. Their past and current research has focused on coral reefs, fisheries, sustainable livelihoods, marine protected areas, and the development of domestic and international marine policy. They consult in a wide range of marine related fields including field surveys, EIAs, technical advice, and project management. In addition, they facilitate underwater photographers and film crews.

Blue Seas Protection

UK and Iceland

Blue Seas Protection is a marine conservation charity with the multiple missions of addressing climate and environmental issues, political campaigning, education and awareness about marine conservation, and direct action, working at all levels, from global and national Government campaigns, to local "boots on the ground" community projects. Their main activities are aimed at: Combatting overfishing (via advocacy, the Seaspiracy petition, and working with local fisheries), combatting marine pollution (via their Operation Sea Sweep programme and beach cleanups), education and awareness (via their SharkLab programme and outreach), the protection of marine species (including their BSP Marine Mammal Medics for local incidents), and their Marine Crime Watch monitoring and reporting system.

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