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Protection of Marine Environments and Marine Life
Multi-disciplinary marine conservation organizations and groups involved in the protection of marine environments and marine life
Marine protected areas - Marine animal conservation and rehabilitation - Protection of endangered species - Conservation of marine and coastal diversity - Protection of coastline -
Protection of marine life - Lionfish eradication
For specific species, such as Turtles, Cetaceans, or Corals, and for specialised areas, such as Marine Pollution or Marine Research, go to the specific categories on the Conservation base page.
Instituto Curicaca
The Curicaca Institute, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, works to integrate the environmental, social, educational, cultural and scientific areas, both technical and political, for the conservation of the environment, safeguarding culture and promoting eco-development in the Atlantic Forest, Pampa and Coastal Marine Zone.
International Climate Initiative
The International Climate Initiative (IKI) is an important part of the German government international climate finance commitment. Since 2022, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) has been the lead ministry for the IKI. Since 2008, IKI has been financing climate and biodiversity projects in developing and newly industrializing countries, as well as in countries in transition. IKI focuses on four areas: mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to the impacts of climate change, conserving natural carbon sinks with a focus on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), as well as conserving biological diversity, including in marine environments. Their significant contribution to marine environments is evident in the projects recorded in their impressively comprehensive website.
International Conservation Fund of Canada
ICFC partners with local organizations to promote sustainable use of marine resources around the globe. Since 2007, they have been actively partnering on projects with local conservation organizations in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Their work is science based, and engages local communities to secure lasting conservation gains in priority areas, including turtles in Nicaragua, porpoises in Mexico, manta rays in the Philippines, amongst many others.
International Fund for Animal Welfare
IFAW is an international animal protection foundation. Amongst their many activities, they are involved in marine initiatives including anti-whaling and the protection of dolphins. It is one of the largest animal welfare and conservation charities in the world. The organization works to rescue individual animals, safeguard populations, preserve habitat, and advocate for greater protections. IFAW was instrumental in ending the commercial seal hunt in Canada. In 1983 Europe banned all whitecoat harp seals products. This ban helped save over 1 million seals. IFAW operates in over 40 countries
International Ocean Institute
IOI trains young and mid-career practitioners in contemporary approaches to coastal and ocean management, with an emphasis on the moral, ethical and legal values in Ocean Governance (equity and peaceful uses of the ocean). Since its foundation in 1972, IOI has trained hundreds of young practitioners, particularly from developing countries and countries in transition, and contributes towards a growing global network of trained and empowered leaders fully conversant with the latest developments in ocean governance. IOI has centres in several places internationally, including Canada, China, South Africa, Brazil, Costa Rica, Nigeria and Thailand.
International Seakeepers Society
SeaKeepers is an organization that unites the yachting community with the scientific and educational communities to facilitate conservation. Via their extensive range of programmes, they educate about the marine environments of the world and help restore them. Marine Science and conservation is supported by utilizing member yachts as platforms for marine research, educational outreach, and to deploy oceanographic instruments. These efforts eliminate vessel costs and allow scientists and educators to maximize funding towards research and education. Additionally community engagement programs promote conservation awareness and unite local participants in beach and dive clean-ups.
International Union for Conservation of Nature
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together. Famous for its Red List of Threatened Species Amongst the many programmes and specialist groups that are under the auspices of IUCN are the following: Global Marine and Polar Programme, Species Survival Commission, High Seas Task Force
Ionian Environment Foundation
The Ionian Environment Foundation (IEF) works to preserve the Ionian Islands’ exceptional nature and beauty through promoting and supporting a sustainable approach to their way of life, tourism and socio economic development. The foundation is set up to pool funding from supporters of the Ionians and to distribute those funds to effective and deserving local environmental initiatives. Key criteria for funding: protecting, sustaining, restoring and raising awareness of the islands’ natural environment, as well as to promote and work on sustainable ways of living and operating.
Irish Wildlife Trust
The Irish Wildlife Trust works to create a better future for Ireland’s biodiversity, including the marine environment, by motivating and supporting people to take action to protect biodiversity. This includes wildlife walks and talks, citizen science projects, community & school education, practical conservation activities, and biodiversity campaigning and advocacy.