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Image by Francesco Ungaro

Protection of Marine Environments and Marine Life

Multi-disciplinary marine conservation organizations and groups involved in the protection of marine environments and marine life

 Marine protected areas - Marine animal conservation and rehabilitation - Protection of endangered species - Conservation of marine and coastal diversity - Protection of coastline -

Protection of marine life - Lionfish eradication

For specific species, such as Turtles, Cetaceans, or Corals, and for specialised areas, such as Marine Pollution or Marine Research, go to the specific categories on the Conservation base page.  

Equilibrio Marino


Equilibrio Marino promotes the effective protection of marine areas to guarantee the recovery of marine ecosystems, using current scientific research. One such project is the SOS Corales (SOS Corals), which is a recovery program of the Candelabro coral and orange coral colonies of the coast of Spain. Amongst their many projects are the creation of artificial reef parks, protected marine micro areas in the Alboran Sea, a Sea Brigade which reacts to marine pollution including involving divers in underwater ocean cleanups in the south of Spain, and advocacy for sanctuaries for cetaceans.



The European Centre for information on Marine Science and Technology (EurOcean), established in 2002, is an independent scientific non-governmental organisation whose membership comprises leading European marine research, funding and outreach organisations. Its aim is to facilitate information exchange and generate value-added products in the field of marine sciences and technologies between a wide range of governmental and non-governmental bodies. EurOcean provides comprehensive databases of information on topics related to marine science and technology in Europe with priority given to three main domains: Marine Knowledge Management, Marine Research Infrastructures and Ocean Public Outreach and Awareness activities. It was founded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer).

European Network on Invasive Alien Species


NOBANIS is a network of common databases on alien and invasive species of the region Northern and Central Europe. By establishing a common portal access to IAS-related data, information and knowledge in the region is facilitated. Includes alien species in marine environments.

Filicudi Wildlife Conservation


Filicudi WildLife Conservation focuses on the study and conservation of the marine resources of the Aeolian Archipelago, particularly the populations of cetaceans ( bottlenose dolphins, striped dolphin , sperm whale ) and sea turtles. In addition to their research activities, they run a Sea Turtle First Aid programme, educational programmes, and ecotourism initiatives.

Florida Oceanographic Society


Florida Oceanographic Society is a non-profit organization founded in 1964 with the mission to inspire environmental stewardship of Florida's coastal ecosystems through education, research and advocacy.



FoProBiM is an apolitical, non-governmental, non-profit organization headquartered in Haiti and was officially recognized by the Haitian government in 1995 as a foundation working on environmental issues in the areas of sustainable development, education, research, monitoring, and advocacy. Focus includes raising awareness, educating and capacity building at the government, community and individual levels to preserve biodiversity and improve livelihoods as well as conducting scientific research and environmental monitoring.

Fondo Mexicano para la Conservacion de la Naturaleza


FMCN is a private, non-profit organization that allocates financial resources for nature conservation, supporting organizations in protecting Mexico’s vast biodiversity. Included in their many projects are several with a marine focus, such as the Mesoamerican Reef Conservation project, and monitoring of marine protected areas, amongst others.

Fondo Naturaleza Chile


Fondo Naturaleza Chile is a non-profit organization created in 2021 to ensure the financial sustainability of conservation efforts in Chile, including marine conservation. They aim to strengthen the management of Chile’s natural patrimony, empowering local communities throughout different territories. This fund will help activate new sources of funding that will complement the State's financial efforts. They are already working on a programme for the extensive network of Marine Protected Areas in the country.

Forest and Bird

New Zealand

New Zealand's largest national conservation organisation. The Society's mission is to preserve and protect the native plants and animals and natural features of New Zealand. Active on a wide range of conservation and environmental issues. These include the protection of native forests, tussock grasslands, wetlands, coastlines and marine ecosystems, energy and resource conservation, sustainable fisheries and sustainable land management. Also involved in South Pacific rainforest conservation work and is working to ensure the protection of Antarctica from environmental damage.

Friends of the Black Sea


Friends of the Black Sea works for the protection, conservation and recovery of the Black Sea ecosystem, conservation of marine biological resources ensuring their long-term exploitation and benefits for the future generations. Promoting environmental friendly fisheries and aquaculture in the Black Sea region on a long-term basis and their sustainable management;

Fundacion Cayos Cochinos


Fundacion Cayos Cochinos , also known as the Honduras Coral Reef Fund (HCRF), was established in 1994 to conserve and protect the area known today as a Marine Natural Monument, Cayos Cochinos. Under the provisions of a Co-management agreement with the Forest Conservation Institute, the Foundation executes the management of the Protected Area. They are a member of the WIDECAST network.

Fundacion para la conservacion de los Recursos Naturales y Ambiente en Guatemala


FCG is a private, non-profit which facilitates the management and administration of funds for the conservation of biodiversity and the environment in the country. Since 2000 FCG has managed extensive funds through its varied structure of small grants, subaccounts, and microloans to support initiatives related to environmental laws and policies, protected areas, and sustainable use of resources. They manage, monitor, and evaluate projects in accordance with its overall objective of promoting biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of natural resources, environmental stewardship, and climate change adaptation and mitigation, including the the Mesoamerican Reef Conservation project, amongst others.

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