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Whaleshark, Maldives (phot by Sebastian Pena Lambarri).jpg

Global & National Marine Conservation Agencies

The Giants of conservation, global organizations, national agencies, intergovernmental programmes, including specifically marine-oriented and those very large bodies who have a marine component or fund such programmes. 



Ark2030 is on a mission 'to restore the 500 million hectares of ecosystems destroyed by mankind since the beginning of the industrial revolution'. A strategic and collaborative approach, working with specialist partners around the world, Ark2030 has developed funding models for environmental restoration programmes. They invest in the companies that are working to restore the natural world. Included in their sights are: Cleaning up the Ganges, restoring the global whale population, targeting plastic pollution in the oceans and on land, improving island eco-systems, developing mangrove plantations, protecting and restoring the Great Barrier Reef and other coral restoration programmes such as Coralive's Maldives project.

Australian Conservation Foundation


ACF is Australia's national environment organization which advocates on issues which pose a threat to the natural world, including mining projects which threaten the reefs and marine life.

BUND Friends of the Earth


The Association for Environment and Nature Conservation Germany (BUND) is the German branch of Friends of the Earth. BUND is committed to protecting the natural environment which makes life possible for the world. BUND is involved in ecological agriculture and healthy food for climate protection and the development of renewable energy, protection of endangered species, forests and water. With about 480,000 members BUND is one of the major environmental groups in Germany, with a national network of 2,000 regional and local departments.

Blue Action Fund


Blue Action Fund was founded in 2016 by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in conjunction with KfW Development Bank, later joined by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). Blue Action Fund is ‘now one of the world’s largest public funders promoting marine conservation and sustainable livelihoods in coastal communities’ Their stated mission is ‘to enhance the management and use of coastal and marine ecosystems to conserve marine biodiversity for future generations while improving the lives of local people today’. This they do by making targeted grants to non-governmental organisations active in developing countries (Africa, South America and Asia)

Canadian Wildlife Federation


Canada's Wildlife Foundation has a strong oceans component in which focuses the following key areas: Reducing the impact of Fisheries on Marine Wildlife; Marine Pollution; and Marine Protected Areas. Over fishing is a major area of interest as it is crucial to maintain ample food for marine life that relies on these areas for winter grounds or having their young.

Cetacean Society International


CSI is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization involved in the conservation, education and research of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) and their marine environment. Originally the Connecticut Cetacean Society (1974), CCS became Cetacean Society International and is a global leader in cetacean advocacy, with contacts in over 20 countries today. In 2013, CSI became the first US Founding Partner of the World Cetacean Alliance. Their stated purpose includes the following: Oppose rogue whaling and any attempts to overturn the ban on commercial whaling; Promote whale watching as an economic alternative to whaling in developing nations; Represent cetaceans as an NGO at the IWC (International Whaling Commission) and CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species), and assists regional workshops and meetings, amongst many other initiatives all with the common aim of increasing awareness of the plight of whales, dolphins and porpoises, and to ensure their protection.

Conservation International

USA, International

CI applies innovations in science, economics, policy and community participation to protect the Earth's plant and animal biodiversity in major tropical wilderness areas and key marine ecosystems. CI focuses on securing the critical benefits that nature provides to humanity, such as food, fresh water, livelihoods and a stable climate. An important aspect of CI's work is promoting the dissemination of critical marine information to the global community, in order to 'unify international marine stakeholders through knowledge sharing and information exchange'. Their Center for Oceans partners with communities, organizations and governments around the world.



CostaSalvaje/Wildcoast is an international group that aims to conserve the coastal and marine ecosystems and wildlife around California and Latin America. They are fighting to conserve more than 31.9 million acres of globally significant wild coastlines, islands, lagoons, and oceans. Through educating local communities, advocating for conservation policies, and establishing and managing protected areas, Wildcoast is trying to reduce the impact of climate change, conserve coral reefs, prioritize sewage treatment, and protect wetlands and coastal wildlands.



DEEPWAVE e.V. was founded in 2003 by the marine biologist and deep sea researcher Onno Groß and a small group of ocean enthusiasts in Hamburg. Since then, it has successfully campaigned regionally and internationally for the protection of the oceans and their inhabitants. DEEPWAVE's goal is to contribute to the development of environmentally friendly structures for the marine ecosystem, as well as to inspire individuals to conserve the oceans. They do this by raising awareness of the threats to the oceans, spreading scientific knowledge, contributing to improve marine policies, and providing a forum for networking.

Danish Society for Nature Conservation


DNF is the largest nature conservation and environmental organisation in Denmark. With the support of 140,000 members, DNF works to protect nature and the environment including coastal areas. It has 216 local committees and 2000 active members who are active at local and regional levels.

Defenders of Wildlife


Defenders of Wildlife is an environmental group with a marine campaign. They employ education, litigation, research, legislation and advocacy to defend wildlife and its habitat. In each program area, an interdisciplinary team of scientists, attorneys, wildlife specialists and educators works to promote multi-faceted solutions to wildlife problems. Note that Friends of the Sea Otter merged with Defenders of Wildlife in 2020.

Deutsche Stiftung Meeresschutz


The German Foundation for Marine Conservation is a group of committed animal welfare and nature conservation advocates, who fight for the protection of threatened marine animals and the preservation of marine habitats. They support and carry out projects, campaigns, and initiatives aimed at conserving marine life. This includes marine & nature conservation; animal welfare; science and research; and development cooperation. Since 2022 they have had a long term eDNA Project on Fiji-Island to identify habitats of guitarfish species and of young bullsharks. They support projects to protect sharks, rays, sea turtles and marine mammals, restoration of coral reefs and seagrass beds, for sustainable fishing and ocean cleanups. Their educational and awareness-raising work aims at anchoring the importance of marine conservation in people's minds and actions. LinkedIn address:

Diving at Raja Ampat on a reef with yellow fish  by Benny Frick


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Scubavox is a non-profit initiative with a focus on scuba diving and on marine conservation worldwide. The website includes a global database of marine conservation organizations and groups involved in the protection of the marine environment, and a blog on scuba diving and conservation-related themes. 

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